Narration English, Bangla Rule No: 13-16, Assignment-8
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Narration English
Rule NO 13:- If the reporting verb is past indefinite tense and there are can/may in the reported speech then in indirect narration can/may changing become could/might. Example:
- Di: The student said to the teacher, I can do the work.”
- In: The student said to the teacher that they might do the work.
- Di: The leaders said to us, “The prime minister Begum Khaledagia May come here today.”
- In: The leaders said to us that the prime-minister BegomKhaledagia might go there that day.
- Di: The man said to the people, “I can speak in English fluently.”
- In: The man said to the people that he could speak in English Fluently.
- Di: The scientist said, “It may rain today .”
- In: The Scientist said that it might rain that day.
- Di: The businessman said to me, “I can come tomorrow.”
- In: The businessman said to me that he could come the next day.
(narration bangla)
Rule NO 14:- This, these যদি direct narration এ adjective হিসেবে ব্যাবহৃত হয় তাহলে indirect narration এ that বা that না হয়ে the এ পরিবর্তিত হয়।
- DI: The boy said to the girl, “I have bought this ing for you.”
- In: The boy said to the girl that he has bought the ring for you.
Rule NO 15:- Could, Should, might, used to যুদ direct narration এ reported speech এ থাকে তাহলে indirect narration এ এগুলোর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না । শুধু person এর পরিবর্তন হয়।
- Di: He said to me, “You could do the work.”
- In: He said to me that I could do the work.
- Di: The man said to me, “ You could tell me it yesterday.”
- In: The man said to me that I could tell him it the previous day.
- Di: He said to the teacher, “I used to recite the holy Quran every morning.”
- In: He said to the teacher that he used to recite the holy Quran every morning.
- Di: The teacher said to us, “You should make proper use of time.”
- In: The teacher said to us that I should make proper use of time.
(grammar narration)
Rule NO 16:- Reporting Verb টি যদি past indefinite tense এ হয় এবং reported speech এ যদি must কথা উল্লেখ থাকে তাহলে indirect narration এ must টি Had to এ পরিবর্তিত হয়।
- Di: He said to me, “ I must do the work.”
- In: He said to me that he had to do the work.
- Di: I said to her, “I must marry you.”
- In: I said to her that I had to marry her.
- Di: the girl said to her lover, “I must wait here for you.”
In: The girl said to her lover that she had to wait there for him.
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