Rules of narration for class 8 in bangla Rule No: 28-30, Assignment-14
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rules of narration for class 8 in bangla
Rule NO 28:- Imperative sentence টি যদি Negative হয় তাহলে Reporting verb এর পরে not হয় এবং তার পরে to বসাতে হয় এর পর Reported speech এর verb টি বসে।
- Example:-
- Di: He said to me, “Never tell a lie.”
- In: He advised me not to tell a lie.
- Di: My mother said to me, “do not go out.”
- In: My mother ordered me not to go out.
- Di: The teacher said to us, “Do not waste your time.”
- In: The teacher advised us not to waste our time.
- Di: He said to the servent, “do not sit.”
- In: The man ordered the servent not to sit.
Rule NO 29:- Reported speech টি যদি let দিয়ে শুরু হয় তাহলে reported speec এ subject এর পরে should বসাতে হয়।এবং Reporting verb এর subject এর পরে suggest অথবা proposed to বসাতে হয়।
- Example:-
- Di: He said to me, “Let us discuss the matter.”
- In: He suggested to me that we should discuss the matter.
- Di: He said to me, “Let us go for work.”
- In: He suggested to me that we should go to work.
- Di: The teacher said to the students, “Let us clear the field.”
- In: The teacher proposed to the students that they should clear the field.
- Di: The male student said to the female student, “Let us attend the class.”
- In: The male student proposed to the female student that we should attend the class.
- Di: I said to the boy, “Let us speak in English.”
- In: I proposed to the boy that we should speak in English.
- Di: our teacher said to us, “How does the earth move around the sun?”
- In: Our teacher asked us how the earth moves around the sun.
- Di: I said to my friend, “Why do you want to marry the girl”
- In: I asked my friend why he wanted to marry the girl.
Rule NO 30:- Reported speech টি যদি imperative sentence হয় তাহলে Reporting verb এ order, advise, command and request বসাতে হয়। Reported speech এ verb থেকে শুরু করে শেষ পরযন্ত বসাতে হয়।
- Example:-
- Di: The teacher said to the students, “Do this work.”
- In: The teacher ordered the students to do that work.
- Di: The student said to his friends, “Please send me your pen.”
- In: The student requested his friend to lend this pen.
- Di: He said to me, “Please give me a glass of water.”
- In: He requested me to give him a glass of water.
- Di: Our Teacher said to us, “Make proper use of time.”
- In: Our teacher advised us to make proper use of time.
- Di: My mother said to me, “Bring meat and fish from the market.”
- In: My mother commanded me to bring meat and fish from the market.
- Di: The principal said to the students, “Come to college regularly.”
- In: The principal advised the students to come to college regularly.
- Di: The captain said to the soldiers, “Fire on the enemy.”
- In: The captain commanded the soldiers to fire on the enemy.
- Di: I said to the girl, “Keep in mind this.”
- In: I ordered the girl to keep in mind that.
- N.B:- Reporting verb এর subject এবং object এর মধ্যে যদি I, We, Me and us ইত্যাদি থাকে তাহলে That এর পরে We বসে অন্যথায় They বসাতে হয়। যেমন:-
- Di: He said to me, “Let us take a cup of tea.”
- In: He suggested to me that we should take a cup of tea.
পরিসমাপ্তিতে আমরা বলতে পারি যে. ভাষার সংজ্ঞা দিতে গিয়ে ড. সুনীতিকুমার চট্টোপাধ্যায় লিখেছেন: ‘মনের ভাব-প্রকাশের জন্য, বাগ-যন্ত্রের সাহায্যে উচ্চারিত ধ্বনি দ্বারা নিষ্পন্ন, কোনো বিশেষ জনসমাজে ব্যবহূত, স্বতন্ত্রভাবে অবস্থিত, তথা বাক্যে প্রযুক্ত শব্দসমষ্টিকে ভাষা বলে