grammar narration Bangla Rule No: 9,10, Assignment-6
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grammar narration Bangla
Rule NO 9:- Peporting verb টি যদি past indifinite tense হয় এবং Reported speech টিতে যদি একাধিক verb যদি past form এ থাকে তাহলে eported speech টি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে শুধুমাত্র person এর রিবর্তন হয়।
- Di: He said to me, “ I came home took a bath and ate rice.”
- In: He said to me that he come home, took a bath and ate rice.
- Di: The bo said, “I went sopnopuri visited the place, saw a lot of scenery.”
- In: The boy said that he went sopnopuri visited the place, saw many sceneries.
- Di: She said to me, “I went to market bought flour returned made cake, and entertained the guests.”
- In: She said to me that she went to market bought flour returned homemade cake and entertained the guest.
- Di: the man said, “I went to college, returned home, and ate rice.”
- In: the man said that he went to college returned home and ate rice.
Rule NO 10:- Reporting verb টি যদি pat indefinite tense হয় এবং Reported speech টি যদি past continuous tense হয় Indirect narration এ Reported speech টি past perfect continuous tense এ পরিণত করতে হয়।
- Di: The girl said, “I was sewing a shirt.”
- In: The girl said that she had been sewing a shirt.
- Di: The fisherman said, “We were catching fish in the middle of the river.”
- In: The fisherman said that they had been catching fish in the middle of the river.
- Di: He said to me,” I was coming here.”
- In: He said to me that he had been going there.”
- Di: My father said to me, “ I was thinking about you yesterday,”
- In: My father said to me that he had been thinking about me the previous day.
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