Narration hindi, Bangla Rule No: 11,12, Assignment-7
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narration hindi
Rule NO 11:- If the reporting verb is/become past indefinite tense and reported speech past perfect then the reported speech is unchangeable only person is changed in indirect narration.
- Example:-
- Do: She said to me, “She had written a letter to her lover.”
- In: She said to me that she had written a letter to her lover.
- Di: I said to the girl, “They had stolen your gold chain.”
- In: I said to the girl that they had stolen our gold chain.
- Di: The teacher said to the students, “ You had made a noise in the class yesterday.”
- In: The teacher said to the students that they had made a noise in the class the previous day.
- Di: They said, “We had performed our duties.”
- In: They said that they had performed their duties.
Rule NO 12:- If the reporting verb is past indefinite tense and the reported is future indefinite tense then shall or will changing become should/would in indirect narration.
- Example:-
- Di: The boy said to me, “I shall love the girl.”
- In: The boy said to me that he would love the girl.
- Di: I said to him, “I shall inform you it tomorrow.”
- In: I said to him that I should inform you it the next day.
- Di: He said to the students, “ You will perform your duty in time.”
- In: The teacher said to the students that they would perform their duty in time.
- Di: Allaha said to Hazrat Mohammad (sm), “They will pain you for preaching the Islam.”
- In: Allah said to Hazrat Mohammad (sm) that they would pain him for preaching Islam.
- Di: She said to me, “I shall o to your house to invite you.”
- In: She said to me that she would come to my house to invite me.
- Di: You said to me, “You will buy a colored mobile from this shop this month.”
- In: You said to me that I should buy a colored mobile from that shop that month.
- Di: My elder brother said to his friends, “I shall marry this girl in this month.”
- In: My elder brother said to his friends that he would marry that girl in that month.
narration hindi
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