narration rules pdf Rule No: 27, Assignment-13
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narration rules pdf
Rule NO 27:- Reported speechএ যদি Interrogative adverb (When, where, why and how) দিয়ে শুরু হয় তাহলে Reporting verb এর পরে whether বা If না বসে Interrogative adverb গুলোই বসে এবং Reported speech টি assertive sentence হয়ে যায়।
- Di: She said to me, “When did you come?”
- In: She asked me when I had come.
- Di: My friend said to me, “When does your school sit and bread up?”
- In: My friend asked me when my school sit and break up.
- Di: My cousin said to me, “When have you married?”
- In: My cousin asked me when I had married.
- Di: The teacher said to us, “When did your English teacher take your English class?”
- In: The Teacher asked us when our English teacher had taken our English class.
- Di: My mother said to me, “When will you go to school?”
- In: My mother asked me when I should come to school.
- Di: They said to us, “When has your discussion begun?”
- In: They asked us when our discussion had begun.
- Di: My college friend said to me, “When have you passed S.S.C?”
- In: My college friend asked me when I had passed S.S.C.
rules of narration for class 8 in bangla
- Di: My lover said to me, “Where do you live?”
- In: My lover asked me where I lived.
- Di: I said to him, “Where do you want to go?”
- In: I asked him where he wanted to go.
- Di: The teacher said to the student, “Where did you study ago?”
- In: The teacher asked the student where he had studied before.
- Di: He said to me, “ Where will you go now?”
- In: He asked me where I should go then.
- Di: He said to me, “Where did you stay yesterday?”
- In: He asked me where I had stayed the previous day.
- Di: My lover said to me, “Where does your father do?”
- In: My lover asked me where my father served.
- Di: he said to me, “Where was he born?”
- In: He asked me where he had been born.
- Di: He says to me, Where will you marry?”
- In: He asks me where I should marry.
- Di: The people said to us, “Where was the man buried?”
- In: The people asked us where the man had been buried.
- Di: The boy said to me, “Where do you learn English Private?”
- In: The boy asked me where I learnt English privately.
ssc narration pdf
- Di: I said to my beloved, “Why did you say me it?”
- In: I asked my beloved why she had said to me to it.
- Di: Our teacher said to us, “Why do you learn English?”
- In: Our teacher asked us why we learnt English.
- Di: The teacher said to the student, “Why did you make it so late?”
- In: The teacher asked the students why he had made so late.
- Di: I say to my cousin, “Why do you love ruby?”
- In: I ask my cousin why she loves Ruby.
- Di: I said to my friend, “Why do you want to marry the girl?”
- In: I asked my friend why he wanted to marry the girl.
- Di: I said to the student, “How did you do these difficult sums?”
- In: I asked the student how he had done those difficult sums.
- Di: I said to them, “How have you learnt this language?”
- In: I asked them how they had learnt that language.
- Di: The girl said to the boy, How did he get A+ in the exams?”
- In: The girl asked the boy how he had gotten A+ in the exams.
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