Narration rules in bangla pdf Rule No: 26, Assignment-12
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narration rules in bangla pdf
Rule NO26:- Reported speech এ যদি Interrogative pronoun( who, whom, which, whose and what) দিয়ে শুরু হয় তা হলে Reporting verb এর পরে whether বা if না বসে interrogative pronoun বসে এবং reported speech টি assertive sentence হয়ে যায়।
- Di: He said to me, “Who are you”
- In: He asked me who I was.
- Di: I said to them, “Who has done it”
- In: I asked them who had done it.
- Di The teacher said to the students. “ Who can answer this Question”
- In: The teacher asked the students who could answer that question.
- Di: I said to the boy, “who has married your lover?”
- In: I asked the boy who had married this lover.
- Di: The man said to me, “Who wants to kill you”
- In: The man asked me who wanted to dill you.
- Example Of Whom:-
- Di: He said to me, “Whom do you want”
- In: He asked me whom I wanted.
- Di: The girl said to me, “Who did the decoit dill”
- In: The girl asked me whom the decoit had killed.
- Di: I said to my friend “Whom will you marry?”
- In: I asked my friend whom he would marry.
- Di: The teacher said to us, “Whom did they beat”
- In: The teacher asked us whom they had a bit.
- Di: The girl said to me, “Whom do you love the best?”
- In: The girl asked me whom I loved the best.
- Di: He said to me, “Which is your father?”
- In: He asked me which my father was.
- Di: The girl said to the boy, “Which is your lover?”
- In: The girl asked the boy which his lover was.
- Di: The Teacher said to us, “Which boy made a noise in this class?”
- In: The teacher asked us which boy had made a noise in that class.
- Di: He said to my father, “Which boy wants to marry the girl”
- In: He asked my father which boy wanted to marry the girl.
- Di: He said to me, “ Whose house have you bought?”
- In: He asked me whose house I had bought.
- Di: I said to my younger brother, “Whose daughter will you marry”
- In: I asked my younger brother whose daughter he would marry.
- Di: I said to the man, “Whose cows have they stolen from this village?”
- In: I asked the man whose cows they had stolen from that village.
- Di: The teacher said to the man, “ Whose son has failed in the exams”
- In: The teacher asked the man whose son had failed in the exams.
rules of narration for class 8 in bangla
- Di: He said to me, “What are you doing?”
- In: He asked me what I was doing.
- Di: My mother said to me, “what does the man do?”
- In: My mother asked me what the man did.
- Di: I said to the man, “What do you want to say?”
- In: I asked the man what he wanted to say.
- Di: I said to my friend, “What will you do now?”
- In: I asked my friend what he would do then.
- Di: He said to me, “what have you understand?”
- In: He asked me what I had had to understand.
- Di: They said to us, “What will your teacher teach you now?”
- In: They asked us what our teacher would teach us then.
- Di: I said to my mother, “What have you fed the guest?”
- In: I asked my mother what she had fed the guest.
- Di: The owner said to the laborers, “What have you be doing since morning?”
- In: The owner asked the laborers what they had been doing since morning.
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