voice narration Bangla Rule No: 5,6 Assignment-4
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voice narration
Rule No 5:- Reporting verb যদি past indefinite tense হয় এবং reported speech টি যদি present continuous tense হয় তাহলে reported speech টি indirect narration এ reported speech টি past continuous tense এ পরিণত করতে হয়।
- DI: The girl said to me, “I am writing a letter.”
- In: the girl said to me that she was writing a letter.
- Di: We said to the teacher,” we are learning English privately.”
- In: We said to the teacher that we were learning English privately.
- Di: I said to him, “He is reading this book.”
- In: I said to him that he was reading this book.
- Di: They said to us, “we are going to sopnopuri today.”
- In: They said to us that we, were going to sopnopuri today.
- Di: He said to me, “He is waiting for me.”
- In: He said to me that he was waiting for him.
- The students said to us, “the teacher is teaching us English.
- In: The students said to us that the Teacher was teaching us English.
N.B:- Reporting verb যদি object না থাকে তাহলে Reported speech এর second person subject টি indirect narration এ He অথবা they এ পরিণত করতে হয়।
Rule NO 6:- Reporting verb টি যদি past indefinite tense এ হয় এবং reported speech যদি present perfect tense হয় তাহলে reported speech টিকে indirect narration এ past perfect tense এ পরিণত করতে হয়।
- Di: The girl said to the teacher,” They have stolen this thing.”
- In: The girl said to the teacher that they had stolen that thing.
- Di: The children said to their mother, “we have hunted the dear In this Jungle.”
- In: the children said to their mother that they had hunted the
- Dear in that Jungle.
- Di: He said, “You have done this work.”
- In: He said that he had done that work.
- Di: The boy said to us, “The man has died for overwork.”
- In: The boy said to us that he had died from overwork.
- Di: Allah said, “I have created the holly world.”
- In: Allah said that Allah had created the whole world.
- Di: The girl said, “I have written a letter to my sweetheart.”
- In: The girl said that she had written a letter to her sweetheart.
- Di: The man said, “They have dug this pond.”
- In: The man said that he had dug that pond.
- Di: They said to us, “Samrat has fled away with Khuku .”
- In: They said to us that Samrat had fled away with Khuku.
- Di: Father said, “I have bought a gold chain for ruby.”
- In: Father said that had bought a gold chain for Ruby.
essay narration
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