Narration meaning in bengali Rule No: 25, Assignment-11
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Togglenarration meaning in bengali
Rule NO 25:- Derect narration যদি interrogative হয় তাহলে উহাকে indirect narration পরিবর্তিত করতে হলে তাহলে উহাকে structure এ করতে হবে।
Reporting verb এর subject + ask/asked or inquire of + Reporting verb এর Object + whether if + Reported speech এর অংশটি।
- Example:-
- Di: I said to him, “Do you learn English private?”
- In: I asked him whether he learnt English privately.
- Di: He said to me, “Does the girl love you?”
- In: He asked me whether the girl loved me.
- Di: The woman will say to you, “Do They work in your house”
- In: The woman will ask you whether they work in your house”
- Di: I said to the girl, “Do You write a letter every week to your beloved”
- In: I asked the girl whether she wrote a letter every week to her beloved.
- Di: I said to my teacher, “Are you are you teaching English?”
- In: I asked my teacher whether he was teaching them English.
- Di: The teacher said to us, “Are you cleaning the room.”
- In: The teacher asked us whether we were cleaning the room.
- Di: He said to me, “Are you taking tea”
- In: He asked me whether I was taking tea.
- Di: I said to them, “Have you finished the work”
- In: I asked them whether they had finished work.
- Di: I said to the girl, ”Has your father died?”
- In: I asked the girl whether her father had died.
- Di: He said to me, “Has your elder brother married”
- In: He asked me whether my elder brother had died.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense:-
- Di: They said to us, “have you been learning English Private for three months?”
- In: They asked us whether we had been learning English privately for three months.
- Di: The man said to us, “Has the teacher been taking your class for fifty minutes”
- In: The man asked us whether the teacher had been taking our class for fifty minutes.
- Di: I said to my mother, “Have your been cocking rice, Fish and meat for two hours?”
- In: I asked my mother whether she had been cocking rice, fish and meat
- for three hours.
- Di: The teacher said to us, “Did you work out the sums”
- In: The teacher asked us whether we had workout the sums.
- Di: He said to me, “Did the girl help ou with money in this clanger”
- In: He asked me whether the girl had helped me with money in that danger.
- Di: He said to me, “Did you know ago?”
- In: He asked me whether I had known before. Past continuous Tense:
- Di: He said to me, “Were you watching television”
- In: He asked me whether I had been watching tv.
- Di: I said to the girl, “Were you waiting for me here.”
- In: I asked the girl whether she had been waiting for me there.
- Di: They said to us, “Were you watching C.D tonight”
- In: They asked us Whether we had been watching that night.
- Di: They said to us, “Had you done this work?”
- IN: They asked us whether we had done that work.
- Di: The teacher said to me, “had you learnt private ago/”
- In: The teacher asked me whether I had learnt private ago.
- Di: She said to me, “Had you love any girl?”
- In: She asked me whether I had loved any girl.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense:-
- N.B:- Past Perfect continuous Tense এর Narration হয় না present perfect continuous tense হলে past perfect continuous tense হয়।
- Future Indifinite tense:-
- Di: They said to us, “Will you save your country from the British?”
- In: They asked us whether we should save our country from the British.
- Di: The man said to me, “will you appear at the s.s.c exams in this year?”
- In: The man asked me whether I should appear at the S.S.C exams the
- flowing year.
- Di: I said to my wife, “Will you eat rice now?”
- In: I asked my wife whether she would eat rice then.
Future Continuous Tense:-
- Di: The teacher said to the students, “ will you te learning English Private”
- In: The Teacher asked the students whether they would be learning English Private.
- Di: I said to my wife, “Will you be eating rice?”
- In: I asked my wife whether she would be eating rice.
- Di: They said to us, “Will you be saving your country from the British?”
- In: They asked us whether we should be saving our country from the British.
- Di: He said to me, “Can you help me”
- In: He asked me whether I could help him.
- Di: The teacher said to us, “Can you speak in English?”
- In: The teacher asked us whether we could speak in English.
- Di: He said to me, “may it rain today”
- In: He asked me whether it might rain that day.
- Di : He said to me, “may I stay here”
- In: He asked me whether he might stay here.
narration meaning in bengali
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